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The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started with KNX

Whether you want to expand your business to offer your clients the very best in smart home technology, or you’ve seen KNX on project specifications and want to learn more, this is your guide to getting started with KNX. 

What is KNX? 

KNX is an open control protocol, or language that allows for devices in a home or building to communicate seamlessly with each other.  

It is the only worldwide standard for home and building control and one of its defining characteristics and key benefits is interoperability.  

KNX has been around since 1990, and there are over 500 manufacturers making KNX-compatible products, and more than 90,000 certified KNX Partners (Integrators) working with KNX in over 190 countries worldwide. 

For more information on the benefits of KNX see our blog - What is KNX?  


Why choose KNX? 

There are many control systems, platforms, and protocols in the market, so why choose KNX? 

For a homeowner, choosing to upgrade to an intelligent home instead of only standard 230V wiring is a big decision, so it is important they choose what is right for their lifestyle and budget. Homeowners will be looking to you to advise them on choosing their home electrical system, especially if it is a self-build.  

With commercial projects, cost and functionality are the most crucial factors in the decision-making process.  

We touched on it in the section above, and one of the key differences with KNX is that it offers interoperability. Why is this so important? The interoperability of KNX has a positive impact on system design, product specification, cost, and functionality.  

For integrators this means greater flexibility; The ability to mix brands supports earning healthier margins on projects, overcomes supply chain issues often felt with proprietary systems and makes dealing with any product failures much more straightforward. 


What can you do with KNX? 

Homeowners often choose to have an intelligent home as it makes their life easier and saves energy, but these benefits can only be realised if the control and management of the home is seamless, and all functions of the home are connected.  

Integrators rely on what they know and often use specific protocols or systems for designated functions, e.g., Lutron for Lighting, Control4 for audio etc.  

The beauty of KNX is that it can integrate all these aspects of a home and give the homeowner the ultimate intelligent home experience they imagined. 

KNX is so flexible you really can do anything. Two of the most popular smart home uses for KNX are lighting control and heating and cooling

How to design and program a KNX system? 

KNX uses a programming software tool called ETS (Engineering Tool Software) and it's within ETS that you configure and program each KNX product or device in a project. 

The KNX Association in Brussels manage and license ETS and integrators need to buy a license to use it in their business. The KNX Association has recently released ETS version 6.1 - read all about ETS 6.1 here. You can learn more about ETS and get a free demo here

As with any technology there are best practices and ‘rules’ for success. With KNX it's important to understand the fundamental principles of KNX Wiring and Topology.  

For a comprehensive overview of KNX and some of the fundamentals, watch our Introduction to KNX video

How to start working with KNX 

To work with KNX professionally it is important to undertake training. At Ivory Egg we’ve been working with KNX for over 18 years. 

Having supported hundreds of integrators and electricians with KNX over the years we know what it takes to make a success of working with KNX. 

Because KNX is so flexible, having a framework to support you with adopting it and using it with clients is key. Our recommenced framework is as follows: 

  1. Learn how KNX works, its benefits and how to talk about it and sell it to clients 
  2. Learn how to design a KNX system and specify the right products for your projects 
  3. Learn how to program KNX devices and commission your project. 

For steps 1 & 2 we’ve developed our own online, on-demand KNX training platform. With our KNX Sales and KNX Design & Specification courses you can learn how to talk about KNX and design successful smart home systems that delight your clients. 

When you enroll in an online course with us you get lifetime access, so you can retake or revisit the lessons at your leisure, and refresh your memory as needed. 

When getting started with KNX it's vitally important to understand the fundamentals and not jump straight ahead to the programming. 

How do I become a KNX Partner? 

Once you can confidently sell design KNX projects you can progress to taking the KNX Basic Certification Course and become a certified KNX Partner. This is the ‘engineering’ course that teaches you how to program and commission a project.  

When you’re ready for this step we recommend booking the KNX Basic Certification course with CEDIA, and we have a discount code we can share with you. When you’re at this stage, be sure to let us know so you can benefit from the discount. 

What is the best first step to take to work with KNX? 

Watch our introduction to KNX video to decide if working with KNX is going to be right for your business. If you like what you see, check out our training platform and enroll in our KNX Sales course as a great first step. 

If you have any questions about training or KNX in general, contact us and we’ll happily answer your queries. Email us on or call the office 0044 (0)3333 079 100. 

Whatever stage you’re at with KNX, whether it’s starting training or buying products for your projects, we’ll support you. 

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